Some budget items on the council agenda tonight
by Staff on March 9, 2015, 06:03am. EST
The Operating Budget still has to be voted on but there seemed to be a consensus that 2.21 percent could pass.
That was the number staff and council got to last week after a fourth special committee meeting.
Mayor Al McDonald says there is still a number of details to take care of during tonight’s (Monday) committee meeting.
He says those include tax ratios, MPAC assessments and more.
McDonald says they will get a good indication of where the growth is. Council will vote on the budget at next Mondays meeting, the 16th of March.
As well, City Council looking to move further into the digital age.
A week after a council in North Bay was streamed online for the first time, McDonald says an item will deal with adding more technology to Council Chambers.
He says Council will discuss using electronic agendas.
And with the water meters installed, McDonald says they want to make sure they get the right price for the rates. It’s one of the items council will discuss during tonight’s meeting.
He says they have to decide what the fixed rate and the variable rate is. He says there are a couple of options including a 60/40 split.