Police (north bay)


North Bay Police have released their crime stats for both December 2014 and January 2015. Police activity resulted in less calls for service in both months.


Deputy Chief Shawn Devine says calls for service and criminal charges are trending downward across the Country. But, he says that doesn’t necessarily mean less crime is taking place.


Devine adds, to just say crime overall is down, that might be slanting the issue a little bit. Overall in North Bay both January and December saw less sexual assaults, assaults and Break, Enter and Thefts year over year.


Meantime, there were a lot of accidents on city streets this past December and January. Devine says they saw increases in both months.


55 people were injured in those accidents.


City Police also responded to almost 4,000 calls in the two months combined.


And, it’s being called a crisis in North Bay – as Domestic Violence reports continue to come in to City Police. Devine says it’s something the community needs to be aware of and a part of the solution.


written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com