Nipissing University


Exciting news for students at Nipissing University as City Council has moved forward a proposal to the Council level.


They discussed and approved a new Student Union building being built at the University. Vice President External Chris Burke was in attendance at last night’s meeting, and he says this is something that’s been needed for a couple of years now after the Student Pub “The Wall” closed its doors.



Burke says the focus is on what they can do with this new building going into the future.


Warren Lindsey is the Student Union Services Manager and he says until the new building is ready; the wall will remain as it is.



Vice President Internal Ian Hall says its exciting news for Nipissing students.



Councillor George Maroosis says he’s happy to support this kind of a project.



The hope is to have the new building open and running within the next two to three years. A final vote from council will take place next Monday.


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