Derek Shogren - capsule


Derek Shogren joined Matthew Sookram in studio Tuesday morning for Council Capsule.


Contracts are now being tendered out for this year’s Capital Projects and one project being discussed is the John Street Bridge.


Shogren says Council seems to be split on what to do with the bridge. He says City Staff want to move forward with the project and revitalize the bridge – but Shogren asks is it worth the cost.



Another big project expected to be completed is the Pinewood Park sewer extension. Shogren says getting this done will help restore some of the faith in Council.



Shogren says by the fall, they should see this project completed. Work originally started there in the summer of 2013.


The comprehensive zoning by-law was another topic. Shogren says this is the first update for the city in 34 years. He says this update is about looking for better ways to develop the city.



Shogren says changes have already started as the Children’s Aid Society is set to move into the old St. Paul school on Elmwood. He adds it is a bit of a contentious issue as it affects the zoning area.



If you missed this mornings show, here is the full recap.

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