harper2A re-elected Conservative government would continue to support tax credits encouraging mineral exploration, including in Northern and remote communities.

That announcement today (Wednesday) from Prime Minister Stephen Harper at Premier Mining Products in North Bay.

He says they will extend the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for three years to continue to support mining exploration and investment.

The existing Mineral Exploration Tax Credit was introduced by the Harper Government in 2006 and has helped mining companies raise over $5.5 billion for exploration.

“Mining is at the heart of many of our communities including through Canada’s world-leading mining supplier industry,” Harper said. “With this enhanced credit, companies and communities will be able to move forward with more potentially game-changing mining projects in remote parts of the country.”


Meantime, Harper went after the opposition parties economic platforms, including what he calls the three phases of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau‘s policy.

Harper says the NDP promises don’t correspond with the numbers coming out of their campaign.

He also says Tom Mulcair‘s spending promises would ramp up to $35-billion dollars a year and that’s without details on 125 of the promises. 

Harper was also asked about the European migrant issue and if Canada should be doing more.

He says, generally speaking, Canada is the largest per capita receiver of immigrants and new arrivals in the entire world. He says they’ve already resettled some 20,000 Iraqi refugees and a couple thousand Syrian refugees and there are plans for more.

But, Harper says that’s not the only solution.