Unifor lockoutThe lockout of Unifor workers at Ontario Northland is into its fourth week, and Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says there appears to be no end in sight.

Fedeli spoke about the issue during Members Statement’s in the Ontario Legislature and says the Premier has been asked to personally help out with this situation.

He says “The union has asked for mediation or arbitration three times – but the government has refused. The Premier doesn’t need to pass legislation; she just needs to agree to send all the unresolved items to binding arbitration under Section 79 of the Canada Labour Code.”

Fedeli went on to say “So as the holidays approach, I ask in good faith, that the Premier, Ministers of Labour and Northern Development and Mines step in personally and move this dispute closer to resolution for the sake of our communities in Northeastern Ontario.”


Fedeli wasn’t the only MPP speaking about the lockout as NDP MPP for Timiskaming-Cochrane John Vanthof brought it up during question period.

Vanthof challenged the province’s claims of commitment to Northern Ontario.

He says “We have seen bus stations closed. We have seen cuts to bus services, and people who aren’t permitted or aren’t offered the opportunity to move where they used to move. We have people in North Bay who want to work. There’s work out there, and the government has decided to close the doors.”

John Vanthof

Vanthof says they have people who want to work but the government has decided to close the doors.

Both Vanthof and Fedeli said the heads of both Unifor and the Canadian Labour Congress plan to be at a community rally this weekend in North Bay.