canoe canoe

The North Bay Canoe Club is hosting over 100 athletes from around Ontario this weekend for their annual regatta.

Head Coach of the local team, Zach Pecore says they have about 40 athletes taking part.

He points out the club has a long history of doing well locally, at nationals and the Olympics too.

Pecore says other clubs like how clean the water is at Olmstead Beach, but there’s another element that’s helping the club.

“It’s known to be a little bit windy, but it just makes everyone a better paddler, especially the ones who paddle every day here.

We have an advantage when they go to nationals at other clubs that are also windy.”

Tomorrow’s regatta involves both canoe and kayak events and runs from 8am to 5pm.

Board Member Heather Found says the fact it’s an Olympic year boosts interest in the event.

“Our athletes are getting lots of inspiration from the great Canadians who will be racing this summer.

That’s why we’d love the community to come out and they can see, in person, one of the big sports happening this summer.”

The local club also offers programs for kids and adults and there’s still time to sign up. Check out their website for more details.