WASHINGTON — The Latest on the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT):

8:45 p.m.

The executive producer of “The Apprentice” says he doesn’t have the right to release footage from the reality TV show once hosted by Donald Trump.

MGM, which owns executive producer Mark Burnett’s production company, also says it cannot legally release the footage.

Neither Burnett nor MGM immediately responded to questions Monday seeking details about the specific requirements they say block them from releasing the footage.

The Associated Press previously had asked Burnett to provide the original “The Apprentice” footage for review earlier this year, and renewed calls last week.

The statement issued Monday comes on the heels of an AP story published last week concerning allegations by cast and crew that the Republican presidential nominee frequently used lewd and sexist language while shooting the show.


8:08 p.m.

Donald Trump is warning his supporters to keep a close eye on the polls so the “election is not stolen from us.”

Trump told supporters Monday at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania that he wanted every vote “counted 100 per cent” on Nov. 8. He added that they had to vigilant so the White House is “not taken away way from us.”

The celebrity businessman repeated his claim that the “system is rigged.”

Repeated studies have shown there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud across the nation.


7:45 p.m.

Hillary Clinton is hitting Donald Trump with the allegation that he uses Chinese steel in his construction projects.

Clinton is raising the charge while campaigning in Ohio, a rust belt state hit by the downturn of the American manufacturing and fierce competition from overseas.

Clinton says “for his talk of putting America first” Trump doesn’t support American industry with his products and projects. She says “that kills jobs right in this state.”

Clinton is campaigning on the campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus. She’s urging students to register to vote before Tuesday’s deadline.

Citing the Secret Service, the campaign says about 18,500 people attended the event — 13,500 in the venue, with another 5,000 gathered around the perimeter.


5:44 p.m.

A federal judge has issued a one-day extension to Florida’s voter registration deadline and will hear arguments on a longer extension in a Wednesday hearing.

The order from District Judge Mark Walker is at least a partial victory for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The initial registration deadline had been Tuesday. But Florida Democrats asked the court to extend the deadline. They argue that would-be voters deserve more time after Republican Gov. Rick Scott urged 1.5 million Florida residents to evacuate last week as Hurricane Matthew approached the U.S. coastline.

Clinton’s campaign supported the lawsuit.

The judge’s order extends the deadline through 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. He will hear arguments earlier in the day on a longer extension.


5:05 p.m.

Tim Kaine says Donald Trump’s dismissal of the vulgar comments he made in a leaked 2005 tape as “locker room” talk are insulting not only to women, but to men as well.

Hillary Clinton’s running mate said Trump “cannot look at a woman and see an equal” and his crass comments aren’t representative of what men normally talk about among themselves.

Kaine also blasted Trump for saying at the debate that he would put Clinton in jail if he were president. Kaine said Trump’s comments were unfit for a democracy and said Clinton “will not give a second thought” to Trump when she’s elected.

Kaine spoke at a campaign rally in Denver, where musician Dave Matthews performed.


4:56 p.m.

Donald Trump has fired his top Virginia staffer for organizing a protest outside the Republican National Committee.

The Trump campaign declared Monday that Virginia chairman Corey Stewart is “being replaced, effective immediately.”

Dozens of pro-Trump protesters waved signs and chanted outside the RNC building on Capitol Hill Monday afternoon for about an hour. They passed a petition urging party leaders and Republican office holders to fully support Trump. Many protesters lashed out at RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and House Speaker Paul Ryan for not working hard enough to help Trump. Ryan earlier in the day had told House Republicans that he’ll no longer campaign for Trump.

Trump campaign officials said Stewart staged the protest without the campaign’s approval. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said Trump has a “tremendous” relationship with the RNC.


4:46 p.m.

Donald Trump is making a play for the key battleground state of Pennsylvania by pledging to improve the nation’s trade deals and crack down on illegal immigration. He’s blending that argument with more acknowledgment that his recorded vulgarities about women were wrong.

He tells a rally outside the working-class town of Ambridge that, “I’m not proud of everything I’ve done in life. I mean who among us is?”

Trump adds that he is proud of treating “the blue collar workers that make this country run with tremendous respect.”

The Republican nominee vowed to enact a hard line immigration policy and positioned himself as a champion of the working class.

Trump has made Pennsylvania a lynchpin in his electoral strategy but has consistently been trailing in the polls.


4:45 p.m.

Donald Trump is again trying to turn the criticism he’s received for the vulgar remarks captured in a 2005 video into an attack on how former President Bill Clinton has treated women.

At a rally Monday in Pennsylvania, Trump said Clinton was “the worst abuser of women” to ever sit in the Oval Office. He claimed the media “condemned my words” but ignored what Clinton did.

He said the “last 72 hours has framed what this election is all about.”

He said that it’s about the “American people fighting back against corrupt politicians who don’t care about anything except for staying in power.”


4:15 p.m.

Presidential politics is resuming in the key battlegrounds of Florida and North Carolina. But some campaign offices remain closed and a legal dispute over voter registration lingers after Hurricane Matthew battered parts of the Atlantic coastline.

Republican vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence campaigned Monday in North Carolina. Democrat Hillary Clinton is slated for a Tuesday event in Miami. Republican Donald Trump will be in the state Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aides to Clinton and Trump acknowledge they missed several days of voter outreach in the two states. Both remain close.

Democrats in Florida want a federal court to extend Tuesday’s voter registration deadline. They argue voters deserve more time since Republican Gov. Rick Scott issued an evacuation order that applied to millions of residents.


4:10 p.m.

Donald Trump is saying that he “had a lot of fun” in the second presidential debate and says that Hillary Clinton’s performance in their showdown was “highly overrated.”

Trump appeared Monday in Ambridge, Pennsylvania for his first rally since the leak of a 2005 video that captured him describing women with vulgar terms and appearing to condone sexual assault.

The Republican nominee claimed that Clinton had “no defence” for his attacks and that “all she could do is lie.”

The debate Sunday was vicious, with both candidates on the attack. Trump called Clinton “the devil” to her face and suggested that, if he wins in November, he would move to imprison her for her email scandal.

Trump told the crowd that his attacks meant he was “fighting for you.”


3:50 p.m.

It didn’t take long for Hillary Clinton to weigh in on the war of words between billionaires Warren Buffett and Donald Trump.

Hours after Buffett issued a statement rejecting Trump’s assertion that they both use the same tax avoidance strategies, Clinton worked Buffett’s denial into her campaign speech.

Clinton is paraphrasing Buffett’s statement point by point, noting he says he’s paid federal income tax since he was 13-years-old and would be happy to release his tax returns, unlike Trump.

She says her Republican opponent messed with the wrong billionaire: If you’re going to call out Buffett, you better be ready to be dealt some “good, ol’ fashioned, honest facts.”


3:40 p.m.

Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump, at Sunday’s debate, “doubled down on his excuse” for a 2005 tape showing him speaking about women in predatory terms.

At the debate, Trump described the recording as “locker room talk.”

Clinton said: “That is just a really weak excuse for behaving badly and mistreating people.”

The Democratic presidential candidate said Trump spent his time attacking “when he should have been apologizing.” She’s urging voters to back her candidacy to show that “we are not who he is.”

Clinton is campaigning in Detroit to urge voters to register in Michigan before Tuesday’s deadline.


2:55 p.m.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is releasing a series of ads featuring Republicans crossing party lines to vote for the Democratic candidate.

The four new spots are video testimonials from a mother of an autistic child, a veteran and father of three daughters, a former Reagan Administration official and a Latina former Republican county chair from battleground Broward County, Florida.

In one ad, the mother, Jennifer Kohn, says: “I’m a Republican, but this election is so much bigger than party,”

Clinton’s campaign sees an opportunity to win over moderate Republicans turned off by Trump’s controversial policies and inflammatory rhetoric.


2:45 p.m.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign says it’s “pretty stunning” that House Speaker Paul Ryan told fellow Republicans he won’t campaign for GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Campaign communications director Jen Palmieri says it’s “too late” for Republican leaders to turn against Trump.

Speaking on Clinton’s campaign plan, she says: “Donald Trump didn’t become the nominee of his party on his own.”

Ryan told Republican lawmakers in a conference call Monday that he won’t defend Trump and will spend the next month working for his party’s House majority.

Clinton aides say voters will hold Republican leaders, including Senate candidates, accountable for their monthslong support of Trump.


2:30 p.m.

Two people on a conference call among House Republicans say Speaker Paul Ryan didn’t respond directly when lawmakers asked how he answers the question, “Will you vote for Donald Trump?”

Participants in Monday’s call say the Wisconsin Republican told lawmakers he won’t defend Trump or campaign with him, and instead will focus on protecting the Republicans’ House majority.

The two people say lawmakers asked what he says when queried about voting for Trump. Ryan answered he wasn’t withdrawing his support for the presidential candidate or conceding the presidential election. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the call was private.

They say Ryan said the party must unify around the dangers of having Hillary Clinton in the White House.

A Ryan aide said the speaker intends to vote for Trump.


2:20 p.m.

Mike Pence says faith instructs him on the importance of forgiveness, suggesting Donald Trump was a “big man” for admitting he was wrong to make vulgar remarks about women.

Pence said Monday he doesn’t condone the remarks Trump made in 2005, which were revealed last week.

But the Republican vice-presidential candidate and Indiana governor added that everyone falls short of the “glory of God.”

Pence’s remarks at a town hall meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, were among the first he has made publicly since the recording of Trump emerged on Friday.

Pence cancelled his public events in the wake of the recording and opted against attending the debate Sunday night between Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.


This story has been corrected to reflect the proper title of the fired Trump Virginia chairman.

The Associated Press