The 2017 budget has been adopted in Callander.

It includes a tax levy increase of 6.15 per cent.

Officials say the average 2017 residential tax increase is $101, which is $16 less than the increase last year.

On top of maintaining existing service and programming levels, Council is focused on continued investment in infrastructure and further development of their Asset Management Plan.

Callander’s 2017 key Budget Initiatives include:
– In accordance with the 5 year infrastructure plan, rehabilitate Eglington Road South, Greenwood Road (up to Yacht Club), Hazel Glen Road, and Main Street North (from Callander Bay Drive to Golf Course Road)
– Replace cross culverts at Latour Crescent, Lighthouse Road, King street at Toronto Street intersection, MacDonald Road and Birchgrove Road West
– Undertake a community survey regarding Callander`s future needs and priorities
– Enhancing and promoting popular community events
– Finalize library design plans and seek funding opportunities
– Undertake a number of community beautification initiatives
– Support the development and growth of local businesses and market Callander as a desirable visitor destination
– Continue to contribute to the dedicated Infrastructure, Fleet and other Reserves as per municipal policy


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