Businesses locally, and across the country are expressing concerns with proposed federal tax reforms.

The North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce has filed a submission over what they call the short consultation process.

Chamber President Peter Chirico also says while Ottawa may be trying to reach the top one percent of business the government feels isn’t providing it’s fair share of taxes, they’re “inadvertently going to hurt the middle class, business owners and families that provide the majority of employment across the country.”

The Chamber says there’s still time for businesses to contact or write their local MP.

In their submission to Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau, the chamber writes:

“We respectfully ask that you take a step back and not only listen to the business community, but HEAR what they are saying. Rethink your government’s proposed tax changes to ensure that no harm is done to small businesses. Launch meaningful consultations with the business community to address any shortcomings in tax policy without unfairly targeting independent businesses. Finally, consider a comprehensive review of the Canadian tax system with a view toward fairness and simplification for all taxpayers, which was recommended by the Standing Committee on Finance in their report dated December 2016.”


CLICK HERE to read the submission by the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce.

Filed under: north-bay-and-district-chamber-of-commerce