North Bay City Council has given staff the go ahead to start investigating those non city owned potential proposals for the arena project.

There are three we know off including at Nipissing University, West Ferris Secondary School and on Pinewood Park Drive.

Councillor Daryl Vaillancourt says this process could take 3-4 months.

“This will empower them to put some terms of reference in and allow those people to actually put in firm proposals and bids in front of council for their consideration to potentially put in an arena.”
At the same time the arena committee will be going over the two city owned sites at a meeting next week.

“We are right now looking at the city of North Bay sites which are the Memorial Gardens and the Omischl Complex and we have the geotech but we have to make sure either a double pad or a single pad so we have more work to do.”

Filed under: arena-committee, memorial-gardens, omischl-sports-complex, private-bids