North Bay OPP are out with several snowmobile tips as sledders prepare for the season.

Community Safety Officer Constable Shona Camirand says there were 27 OPP investigated snowmobile deaths in 2016/17 and many of those were in this part of the province.

“Eight fatalities took place in the Northeast Region. The North Bay OPP investigated 13 collisions involving snowmobiles, seven of which resulted in injuries. We want everyone to be safe out there, to slow down and notice the lake and trail conditions,” she says.

Camirand reminds sledders the maximum speed on the trails, when they’re open, is 50 km/h.

She also says conditions can change rapidly and stay away from open water.

“Carry ice picks. Make sure they’re around your neck and accessible in case you have that unfortunate incident of falling through the ice,” she adds.

Camirand says have a safety plan and that means letting someone know where you’re going and when you expect to arrive at your destination so they can start looking for you if you’re not there.

Also carry emergency equipment and that includes food, something to keep you hydrated, a fire starting kit, flares, emergency blankets, a cell phone, an axe or saw and a trail map.

Filed under: north-bay-opp, snowmobile-season