Blood donor clinics are lined up for this week and the District of Nipissing Paramedic Services has adopted the North Bay Community blood donor clinics.

They’ve committed to recruit new donors and fill appointments to help collect 230 donations at the clinics, which take place Tuesday and Wednesday at the Best Western.

At last check, there are still 70 spots available for Wednesday’s clinic.

“We are pleased and proud to have the opportunity to help Give Life in this way,” says Jim Stewart, Manager, District of Nipissing Paramedic Services. “Paramedics often see the need for blood firsthand. Just one person who is seriously injured in a car crash could need as many as 50 blood donations to help save their life.”

“The feeling you get from donating blood and helping to save a life is worth every minute. This year, 100,000 new blood donors are needed across Canada to meet patient needs – including 646 needed right here in our community. We invite North Bay residents to join us and make an appointment to donate blood.” says Stewart.

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Filed under: canadian-blood-services, district-of-nipissing-paramedic-services