Nipissing MPP and Progressive Conservative Finance Critic Vic Fedeli says he will allow his name to stand to become the next leader of the Ontario PC’s.

The leader could be be decided as early as tomorrow (Friday) at a caucus meeting.

This after Patrick Brown resigned as leader Thursday night.

In a statement overnight (full text below), Fedeli said the PC Caucus unanimously agreed that Brown cannot continue serving as the Leader.

He went on to say Brown is entitled to a legal defense and due process, but cannot lead the party into the June election.

Fedeli was asked if Brown should be kicked out of caucus.

He says he was horrified, disappointed and shocked with the video detailing the allegations.

Fedeli says Brown will have to handle himself accordingly.

The party executive is meeting today and going over the ground rules before the caucus meeting.



Here is Fedeli’s full statement, issued following the resignation of Patrick Brown as PC Leader:

“This evening, we learned of disturbing allegations leveled against Patrick Brown.
“The Ontario PC Caucus unanimously agrees that Mr. Brown cannot continue serving as the Leader.
“Mr. Brown is entitled to a legal defense and due process, but he cannot lead us into an election as a result of these allegations.
“The Ontario PC Caucus unequivocally upholds the principle that a safe and respectful society is what we expect and deserve. We need to move forward to eradicate sexual violence and harassment across the province.
“Our caucus will immediately consult with party officials and members on best way to move forward to defeat the Wynne government in the 2018 election.
“We will not be diverted from our mission to ensure our strong team can share our message of change.”