North Bay City Council won’t be doing any OPP costing for city police services for now.

Two weeks ago a motion by Councillor Mark King didn’t pass and last night he asked council to reconsider its decision.

The motion for reconsideration was defeated 4 votes to 3.

Councillor Mac Bain didn’t vote two weeks ago.

Last night he chose to not support the motion.

Bain, a police board member, says he’s assured the Chief of Police that he wouldn’t be in favour of an OPP costing.

“I continue to be impressed by Shawn Devine, his administration team and how they interact with the city and many community partners,” Bain says.

He says if other municipalities are any example the initial OPP costing may be lower, but there would be changes from the current services.

King, meantime, says a lot of people in the community won’t be happy with this decision.

“A lot of citizens will be upset. We can’t even look at an option of pricing in the city. Why Not? Why wouldn’t we do that?” King asked.

The issue can’t be re-addressed for another year.

Filed under: mac-bain, mark-king, opp