The Near North Landlords Association held it’s first meeting Wednesday night.

Thr group is hoping to find solutions to some of the sectors biggest issues, like increased government regulation, higher costs and mental health and addiction issues.

Spokesperson John Wilson says the government has made some changes affecting them and it was time they got together to go over those changes and what impact they’ll have.

“No consultation but after years of using our own leases we now must use a 14 page government lease as part of the Residential Tenancy Act,” he says.

Wilson says they’ve courted many local agencies to update them on changes that affect landlords and renters.

“We don’t have that kind of communication with agencies and we’re hoping that by liaising and getting them to join our organization we’ll have updated information on the new policy changes and program changes,” Wilson says.

DSSAB Chair, Mark King tells BayToday he understands the reasons the landlords are banding together and wished to work with them further.

“We did have them at a meeting to open the lines of communication so that the board had some understanding of what they’re trying to accomplish,” King says.

One group at the meeting was the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Local CMHA executive director Jenny Leblanc says their already ahead of the game with the Rent Smart Program.

“We have trainers in the city right now training 15 different staff members. They’re training tenants to be better tenants with the idea of improved collaboration between the tenant, the landlord and community services,” she tells BayToday.

Guest speakers at the inaugural meeting included North Bay Police Chief Shawn Devine and an official with the Canadian Mental Health Association.


Filed under: near-north-landlords-association