Officials with North Bay’s newest subdivision say an agreement with their neighbours means lots on the Janey Avenue proposal are now available.
When the 71-lot proposal went to council there was plenty of vocal opposition with neighbours taking their fight to the local planning appeal tribunal.
They cited traffic and safety issues when presenting to Council earlier this year.
In a release, Janey Ave Inc spokesperson Jesse Short says they thank their neighbours for their input.
“Now that any unknowns have been addressed, we can move forward and make lots available for sale. This is a great example of how the planning process works and how good development can happen in our community,” he adds.
Shortt thanks the city staff he worked with to make the development a reality and is thankful for the support of the Mayor and council.
“It’s great to see this for all parties involved, to have opportunity to come to agreement. Sustainable development is good for the local economy and for the city as a whole, as it grows our tax base and shows confidence in our community,” says mayor Al McDonald.
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Filed under: janey-avenue, sub-division