Another successful Trojan Parade for Cancer event.

Organizers say $13,500 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society and two summer camps Camp Oochigeas and Camp Quality.

These camps support kids fighting cancer.

One student raised over a thousand dollars. Caden Carriere is a grade 9 student.

He says he has lost a grandmother to cancer and is aunt is fighting cancer currently and it’s great to see see people support cancer fighting efforts.

“My dad gave some money, Don Seguin has donated funds as well and I’m amazed by how many people along Carmichael Drive are behind the effort. I’m amazed what everyone did,” he says.
The Trojan Parade for Cancer started in 1993 and has raised more than $250,000.

Senior manager of the Canadian Cancer Society locally is Gil Pharand  says he’s very inspired by the dedication to this event by the students over the past 25 years.

“It really is amazing that something has gone on for this long. When an event like this starts there is a strong force that is driving it. To keep that going it’s amazing to see. New Students have stepped up to keep the momentum going,” he says.


(photo Chris Dawson Bay Today)

Filed under: canadian-cancer-society, trojan-parade-for-cancer