With the colder weather upon us, thoughts are turning to snowmobiling and local officials were recognizing several award winners this week.

Awards were handed out at the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Club’s District 11 Board meeting on Wednesday night.

Al Clark of the North Bay Snowmobile Club won both the District 11 and the provincial OFSC Safe Snowmobiling Ambassador Award.

Officials say the 81 year old has been a valuable member of the club for over 21 years, is a terrific example of volunteerism and is completely dedicated to snowmobile safety and enjoyment.

Along with the award, Clark will receive an Arctic Cat snowmachine from Carlson Sports (pictured below).

Club of the Year honours went to the Mattawa and Area Snowmobile Club, Dean and Catherine Gates of the Argyle Riders Snowmobile Club won for Outstanding Snowmobile Promotion and the Nipissing/Veuve River Snowmobile Club received the 30 year Recognition Award.

(Photos submitted)

Al Clark and Dan Carlson holding picture of the Arctic Cat snowmachine Al will be receiving from Carlson Sports
Filed under: argyle-riders-snowmobile-club, mattawa-and-area-snowmobile-club, nipissing-veuve-river-snowmobile-club, north-bay-snowmobile-club, ofsc-district-11