The Capitol Centre is holding a huge party on Saturday.
Marketing Manager Katelyn Ricci says there’s plenty on the go for their annual fundraiser, which is a celebration of the Capitol Centre.
“It’s our 22nd year, obviously used to be the Wine Gala, now it’s Hops and Vines because lots of breweries and wineries, and food, all night long, auction items and live entertainment,” she says.
That entertainment includes headliners Green River Revival.
“Which is a CCR and John Fogerty Tribute band, they’re going to kick off the night at 7:30 pm. You’re going to witness Pat Robitaille in the gallery, we have Nathalie Aquino in the Galaxy Circle Lounge, the North Bay Symphony Orchestra Trio is also opening the night as people walk in,” Ricci says.
There’s also magician Dan Poeta and the evening closes with The Maple Hill Project on stage until 1 am.
$Tickets are $110 and includes a $25 tax receipt.
Check out for more information.

Filed under: capitol-centre, hops-and-vines