Winter enthusiasts are being asked to wait for the green light before venturing out on area snowmobile trails.

North Bay Snowmobile Club Public Relations and Marketing Director Shawn Flindall tells BayToday wind storms this past fall caused a lot of problems for them this year.

“Everyday we’re working on another section, trying to get things cleared up. We can’t even get groomers through some of it, because there’s so many trees down,” he says.

Flindall says volunteers are clearing the way and there’s colder temperatures coming.

He says the trails aren’t open yet, but that’s expected to change soon.

“Within the first week of January, we should see a good number of trails open. So we’re just asking people to be patient,” he tells BayToday.

Flindall says it’s all about ensuring the trails are safe to enjoy.


File Photo by Lawrence Chadbourn

Filed under: north-bay-snowmobile-club