This week, a Reddit thread asked users, “What is one ‘unwritten rule’ you think everyone should know and follow?”

There were a ton of answers, but going through the list, a few definitely stood out for me.

“If you use up all of the toilet paper, you go refill it.” Toilet paper, coffee, whatever it is. The old “you kill it you fill” rule should be something learned early on in life.

“Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.” I speak from experience on this. A little prevention goes a loooong way when it counts!

“If you borrow someone’s car, fill up the tank before you return it.” Even if you don’t believe in Kharma, what’s the harm in doing something nice?

“Don’t put your music on speakers when in a public space. It’s not like everyone wants the same genre or was in the mood for music. Get your headphones.” Seriously, don’t ever do this.

“Never make fun of someone else’s laugh, be it how they sound or how they look. Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other’s comments is so brutal.” I’ve never heard laughter described so perfectly.

“If you’re borrowing it for a third time, you need one of your own.” That reminds me, Mike, if you’re reading this, I’ll return your shovel tonight.

“Be kind to people that are working. Food staff, medical staff, etc. Don’t take your bad day out on someone else.” People who work customer service are still PEOPLE.

Got any other “unwritten rules” that you follow? Leave them below.
