North Bay OPP are reminding boaters to be safe on the water and say they’re patrolling local lakes daily to ensure everyone is safe.

They’ll be looking for alcohol and drug related infractions and making sure safety equipment like personal floatation devices (PFD’s) and emergency kits are on board.

In one instance on May 24th, police say two city residents were on Lake Nosbonsing in a canoe, with a motor attached.

They were both charged with fishing without a licence while one person, a 19 year old, was also charged for not having the necessary safety and navigation equipment and not having a PFD or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board.

Overall, OPP says keep alcohol and cannabis out of the boat, drive sober, and bring required safety equipment with you.

They say it’s not enough just to have a PFD in the boat, they’re asking boaters to ensure that everyone is wearing their lifejackets.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: lake-nosbonsing, north-bay-opp