North Bay Pride is officially underway.

A flag raising occurred Wednesday at North Bay City Hall.

Co-chair of the Pride Committee Trevor Monahan on this year’s overall goal of Pride Week.

“This year’s pride is we’re trying to be more inclusive and diverse as ever. We’ve reached out to all of our partners and we’re trying to bring everyone together so we have once voice so we speak the loudest we can for inclusion,” he says.

Fellow co-chair Jason Maclennan says Pride  is about celebration but it also means Pride has a place for activism and fighting for equality and supporting marginalized people.

On hand for the flag raising were John, Samantha and Jeffrey Hamilton this year’s grand marshals of the parade which will take place on Saturday.

Events continue Thursday  with a One Love Proclamation, followed by a Coffee Meet event from 7-9 pm — hosted by Indulge and SugarDaddy’s Cupcakes and Catering.

The Ally awards which are all about recognizing supporters of the committee were handed out before the flag raising and went to Tracey Richardson co-owner of the Voyager Inn and Jason Harris.

(photos by station staff)

Filed under: flag-raising, pride-2019