The dilemma for a lot of businesses during COVID-19 is how they stay healthy for their employees and their customers and yet still operate.

While that’s not possible for everyone there’s different solutions in the community.

Restaurants are offering more takeout and drive-thru while some like Nicky Poulin, owner of Ohana Yoga and Wellness are offering services online.

Her clients are taking classes on their computers.

“My feedback has been great. It’s working. It’s slow but it’s working. We’ve had some classes as large as 25 and some as little as two or three students,” she says.

Poulin even says a lot of her former students who have left North Bay are now taking classes with her again.

As for the COVID-19 situation, she was asked what she’s telling her clients.

“Things will change and don’t get caught up in the fear of what if. Think about now, step back and breathe and we will get through this. We will,” Poulin says.

Check out for the online classes.

(photo submitted by Ohana Yoga and Wellness)