The local application process for free-of-charge emergency childcare spaces for essential workers starts tomorrow at 11 am.

Director of Children’s Services with the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, Lynn Démoré-Pitre, says the areas with the greatest need are North Bay and West Nipissing, with spaces available in North Bay first.

“Approximately 24 spots available for each location, we have one location that’s available as of Tuesday and we’re hoping that we’ll have more locations available as we see that the need increases,” she says.

She also says they have some spaces available through their home childcare agencies.

Mattawa is another area that has been identified with DNSSAB working with child care partners to provide the service there too.

Démoré-Pitre says there are certain criteria involved.

“Parents or guardians, both would be working outside the home, and required to report to a workplace, it’ll be on a first come-first served basis and we’re really asking that there’s no other care available to this family if they require services, therefore this would be a last option for families,” she says.

“We’re very fortunate we have our licensed child-care providers, they’ve been working diligently in order to meet all of the established requirements at this time to be approved, our local Health Unit has also provided assistance on the policies related to infection prevention,” Démoré-Pitre adds.

“The DNSSAB has been working very hard to get some emergency child care spaces up and running,” says DNSSAB Chair Mark King. “New protocols have been established to prevent spread of the COVID-19 Virus, and this limits the number of spaces that can be opened.”

Officials say they’re aware that the need for emergency services exceeds the spaces available therefore will prioritize the spaces for front-line health care professionals.

The online application form can be found on DNSSAB’s website.

Families will receive services on a “first come-first served” basis within priority areas.


(Logo previously submitted)


Filed under: covid-19, District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, essential-worker-childcare-services