The 24 hour COVID-19 Responsive Emergency Homelessness Shelter is moving from the YMCA to Pete Palangio Arena on Thursday.

Officials say need for the shelter has already outgrown the space.

They point out the shelter at the Y reached capacity several days and nights since opening on April 1st.

The move to Pete Palangio Arena will provide for more space and the double rink allows for an isolation area for anyone attending that is diagnosed as COVID-19 positive.

“We are working hard to keep staff, clients and our community safe though this pandemic,” Mary Davis, Executive Director of Nipissing Mental Health Housing and Support Services stated. “Social distancing can be challenging for everyone, but it is even more difficult for those who experience homelessness, addictions or mental health challenges. We couldn’t be more appreciative of the YMCA’s leadership and for recognizing the importance of coming together as a community throughout these difficult times.”

The emergency shelter at the YMCA provided space for 35 cots and five staff, including security personnel.

The new space will allow for 50 cots in the shelter side of the arena and 10 cots in the isolation side.

“The seriousness of the pandemic and the safety of the entire community continue to require quick and flexible responses. We feel the double rink arena provides the best option given the need for expediency,” says Nipissing District Housing Corporation Chair, Dave Mendicino.


Photo by Brenda Turl/

Filed under: 24-hour-covid-19-responsive-emergency-homelessness-shelter, covid-19, nipissing-district-social-services-administration-board, nipissing-mental-health-housing-and-support-services, north-bay, north-bay-ymca, pete-palangio-arena