There are some changes at the North Bay Regional Health Centre with extensive planning and mobilization around responding to COVID-19.
Officials say it all has to do with planning for a possible surge.
They say elements of their pandemic plan have been put in place to include additional education and simulations, working with partners, screening, monitoring key supplies, reconfiguring space, and enhancing protocols — all with a focus of protecting patients, staff and the community.

Dr. Jennifer Mihil  is Head of Anaesthesia and the COVID-19 Critical Care Preparedness Lead.

She says much has been done already.

“This includes our emergency department and ICU. We have a separate operating room for COVID suspected or positive patients. We also have a separate ward for suspected and positive patients,” she says.

She says fighting COVID-19 is a major challenge but everyone at the hospital is answering the call.

“You either let this take you down or you rise to the occasion. This hospital truly has risen in the most incredible way and that includes admin staff, support staff, nurses, physicians, managers and directors,” she says.

Vice President of Clinical Services Tiz Silveri says they’re not mixing patients meaning patients coming in with respiratory problems are separated from other patients. She says they have the wet side and the dry side.

“As our wet side gets larger we go into the dry side. We have plans that we hopefully won’t have to use where the entire emerg is all respiratory and we designate another area for non respiratory patients,” Silveri says.

Dr. Mihil says North Bay residents are doing a great job in flattening the curve so far but work must still continue.

“We’re sort of the last line of defense. The message to the community is keep doing what you’re doing by practicing physical distancing. It matters to me, it keeps me safe, it keeps my children safe and I’m so thankful for that,” Dr. Myhill says.

As far as testing officials say they do around 25 tests for COVID-19 every day and there is one case in critical care currently.

On top of staff and physicians wearing masks, gowns and other personal protective equipment, there are other changes too.

They include:
– Emergency Department: divided into a respiratory and non-respiratory section – patients will now see the waiting area with a new glass wall that creates clear separation between areas
– Specific unit for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients: unit includes three negative pressure rooms (one that remains vacant and dedicated to high risk procedures) and can increase to 13 negative pressure rooms and a plan to increase number of beds (if needed)
– Critical Care Unit: divided into COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 areas with a specialized team to do all airway procedures on COVID-19 positive patients
– Operating Room (OR): dedicated one operating room specifically for the treatment of COVID-19 patients: all safety protocols in place to safely operate and recover patients.

(photo submitted by North Bay Regional Health Centre)

Filed under: covid-19, north-bay-regional-health-centre