The North Bay Police Association and The North Bay Professional Firefighters Association are helping to make a child’s birthday memorable during COVID-19.

Police Association president Aaron Northrup says from now until May 12th which is when the provincial emergency restrictions are scheduled to end but could still be extended they’re going to various neighborhoods in North Bay and Callander.

“You call us and we’ll lineup a time. We’ll bring a cruiser and a fire truck by and then we’ll hit the lights and sirens. Your child can get a picture taken and we’ll hand out a gift too. Hopefully, it’s a birthday they remember,” he says.

He the gifts come from McDonald’s as well as police and fire and tells BayToday they’ve had over 70 requests to date.

Northrup says the officers are very supportive of the initiative.

“They love it. We have officers coming in on their time off to help take part because they know how it is being received in the community,” he says.

To put in a request contact Sgt. Jody DeHaas (705) 497-5555 ext. 277 or email her at

(photo taken by station staff)

Filed under: north-bay-police-association, north-bay-professional-fire-fighters