During her court appearance earlier today (July 14), Britney Spears credited her fans for giving her the courage to speak, “[They are] remarkably strong and talented … it’s because of them I am here today.  It’s because of them I have the f*cking strength to speak up against my family who have silenced me and my fans for years.”


In other Britney-related news – Britney has scored legal victory, and a new attorney has been appointed to represent Britney throughout her conservatorship.



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L.A. Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny approved Britney hiring Mathew Rosengart, a former federal prosecutor.  According to NY Times, “Her lawyer, Matthew S. Rosengart, is expected to make a more aggressive approach and push for the conservatorship to end.”


To show her excitement, Britney posted this video on Instagram with the caption reading,  “Coming along, folks!!! New with real representation today … I feel GRATITUDE and BLESSED !!!! Thank you to my fans who are supporting me … You have no idea what it means to me be supported by such awesome fans !!!! God bless you all !!!!! Pssss this is me celebrating by horseback riding and doing cartwheels today!!! #FreeBritney.”



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Britney has been under the conservatorship since 2008, in which she has not been able to make major life decisions without her father’s approval, “I’m here to get rid of my dad and charge him with conservatorship abuse.  This conservatorship has allowed my dad to ruin my life.  If this isn’t abuse, I don’t know what is. … I thought they were trying to kill me,” Britney told the court earlier today.



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Here’s hoping the conservatorship comes to an end, and soon!



Filed under: Britney-Spears