Two new mental health awareness programs were introduced on Monday at Canadore and Nipissing.

Margi Clarke is interim executive director for the Nipissing branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

She says the first one is called BounceBack.

“It is by self referral or by referral through a primary care provider. It is telephone coachng and individuals can identify what their primary needs might be,” she says.

She says the program is for people 15 and older who wish to manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The 2nd program is called Big White Wall and is an on line support tool.

There is now a physical Big White Wall at the Education Centre.

Sherri Pinder is the Student Success Mental Health Navigator at Canadore.

She says there’s a place students can make comments about mental health issues.

“If I walk by I might see something that resonates with me or it might challenge that negative thought that I’m having. It’s an open forum for people to put coping messages down and provide a piece of hope for others,” Pinder says.

Student Cory Hobbs battles mental illness. He says his experience has taught him it’s important to get help if you need it.

“It may seem like the hardest thing in the world. That small step out of my comfort zone changed my life,” he says.


Filed under: big-white-wall, bounceback, canadian-mental-health-association, canadore-college