Three local groups received Ontario Trillium Foundation funding on the weekend.

MPP Vic Fedeli announced nearly $150,000 is going to the Northern Ontario Hockey Association to buy rink dividers for 20 minor hockey associations.

The money will allow more teams to play by sharing the ice.

Laurentian Ski Hill gets $145,000 to buy new snow-making equipment for a beginner’s run.

$70,000 is going to the Commanda Museum to replace the historic building’s roof and purchase a commercial de-humidifier.

“Whether it’s enriching people’s lives through arts, culture and heritage, or by fostering more active lifestyles, these initiatives are anticipated to impact the lives of thousands of residents.  My congratulations go out to the successful applicants,” said Fedeli.

Photo submitted, from left to right:  MPP Fedeli,  Maxim Jean-Louis, Trillium Foundation; Claudette Myre, NOHA; Jaimie Board and Rose Haufe, Commanda Museum; and Steven Hamilton, Laurentian Ski Hill. 


Filed under: laurentian-ski-hill, northern-ontario-hockey-association, ontario-trillium-foundation