Freezing rain didn’t stop area teachers from holding a rally outside Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli’s office yesterday.

They gathered to call on the government to not make cuts to education in the provincial budget.

Parker Robinson is the vice president of OSSTF District 4.

He says they want the government to know they’re opposed to cuts to education.

“We’ve seen cuts already and we’re not thrilled. With the budget coming, we want to get the message out that education is an investment and not an expense,” he says.

He says the teachers are calling on the government to not increase class sizes.

‘The result if that happens is less time for one on one assistance and supports and all of the extra cirricular activities that teachers do will be streteched to the limit as a result,” Robinson says.

He says they don’t want a repeat of the 90’s when there were major cuts to education.

“We still haven’t recovered from those cuts and we don’t want Mr. Ford to go down that path,” he says.

Robinson says they will meet with Fedeli next month.


Filed under: education-funding, mpp-vic-fedeli, osstf