Photo from bhatt
Photo from bhatt

If you listen to the show regularly you may know that I DON’T LIKE MOVIES! I know, it’s weird.

But I just can’t sit still for 2 hours. Usually it’s a chore just to get through a film and more often than not I end up taking a nap. On those few occasions when my wife actually drags me to the theatre, the highlight tends to be the bag of popcorn.

And wandering the lobby searching for someone to play air hockey with. Which is what makes this brand new blog experiment all the more unique.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you…

“Movie Reviews by a Guy Who Can’t Stand Movies”.

And what better way to start than by working my way though some of the greatest movies of all time (supposedly).

Yes, EVERY movie I review here has either won the Academy Award for Best Picture (or it was at least nominated, and we all know it’s an honour just to be nominated.)


CAPOTE (2005) … Best Picture nominee (lost to Crash)
*Available on Shomi

This is one of the movies on my list that I’ve always wanted to see, I’d just never gotten around to it.  It didn’t disappoint.

Prior to watching this movie I knew very little about Truman Capote or this story in general.  But as soon as the closing credits finished I was on Wikipedia researching the real man and the book “In Cold Blood”.

The movie revolves around Capote’s obsession with a couple man who are accused of killing a family during a robbery attempt.  He decides to write a book about the case and you’re soon left wondering if he actually cares about the two murderers or if he’s just using them to further his own career. I’m still not sure.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman was brilliant and  watching this makes his death all the more tragic.  He had so much more to give.

Based on the subject matter I’m sure it’s no surprise that this is a pretty dark film, especially the final scenes but it’s a great flick.

Bonus points for Harper Lee.  Was interesting to watch the initial reaction to her legendary “To Kill a Mockingbird”.

Sleep test … Nope.  Not a wink.  This one was too good.


I’ll give it 4/ 5 buckets of popcorn.