An increase in gas prices because of the federal carbon tax plan has caught the attention of a North Bay city councillor.

Mike Anthony tells BayToday he plans on introducing a motion next month opposing the recent hike.

He also questions the timing, considering everyone is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Why would you add an extra two cents to gas but not postpone that at least, or scrap it when we are facing probably what’s going to be one of the trickiest and toughest economic climates in generations because of the situation,” he says.

Anthony says last week’s carbon tax hike from $20 per tonne to $30 per tonne is in keeping with the plan to raise it by $10 per tonne each year until 2022.

“Everyone of those will add the 2.5 cent to what you are paying for gas. We’re looking at a serious time. The economy won’t be where it was one year from now. It’s bad enough we’ve had the jump this year,” he tells BayToday.

Council, meantime, will be meeting virtually next week on April 21st.


(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: north-bay