Behind the scenes work on the Near North Board’s 3:2 consolidation of secondary schools continues.

An update to the board last Thursday says student timetables were sent out in early July while Chippewa and West Ferris have completed and sent out the draft secondary and intermediate teaching timetables to staff.

The update also says administrative teams have been appointed.

Also in July Phase 1 construction meetings continued to ensure the 3-2 Capital Renovations projects remain on schedule and will be ready for students and staff for a September 8th startup date.

Board chair Jay Aspin says he’s excited with what the staff have done.

“These people have worked yeoman’s hours on this and it wasn’t an easy task. We want to go on a tour of both schools. Consolidation is full speed ahead,” he says.

Those trustee tours will take place this month.

Lucio Pavone is the point person for the consolidation process.

“I’m pumped about the programming opportunities and learning experiences for our students. I really, really truly am as we approach the school year,” Pavone says.

Widdifield is now closed.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: 32-secondary-school-consolidation-north-bay, near-north-district-school-board