This week is Fire Prevention Week in Ontario.

North Bay Fire and Emergency Services says the theme is Serve Up Fire Safety In The Kitchen.

Officials say cooking fires continues to be the leading cause of fires in the home.

Tips to ensure fire safety include stay in the kitchen when cooking and if you leave turn off the stove, keep a proper fitting lid near the stove, if a pot of oil catches fire, slide the lid over the pot and
turn off the stove and never throw water on a grease fire ( See for yourself what can happen!

Other tips include keep anything that burns like plastic utensils, dishcloths and paper towels a safe distance away, wear tightfitting or rolled up sleeves when at the stove. and cook responsibly and that means staying alert and not consuming drugs or alcohol while cooking.

North Bay Firefighters will be at Parker’s Your Independent Grocer tomorrow from 10-6 and will be filling a fire truck with items going to the North Bay Food Bank.

(file photo by station staff)

Filed under: fire-prevention-week, north-bay-fire-and-emergence-services