In no particular order…..

Lady Gaga: 2017

Forget walking out onto the stage amidst some predictable pyrotechnics……Gaga JUMPED off the top of NRG Stadium. She ended up using the performance as the central storyline of her documentary “Five Foot Two”.

We’re talking about the most memorable, not necessarily the best, so let’s just get this one out of the way…….

Justin Timberlake & Janet Jackson: 2004

Hands down, the most talked about and controversial halftime show. Was it staged? Did Justin throw Janet under the bus? If that same performance took place today, would it receive as much backlash? I’m not going to get into the answers here, but if you watched J&J on stage that day, you likely thought to yourself, “Wait, did I just see -…..? No, couldn’t have been! WAIT! IT WAS!” The performance itself was overshadowed by the fact that it generated 540,000 complaints to the FCC.

Bruno Mars: 2014

Bruno was already a big name in music, but he reached a whole new level of exposure after putting on a fiery performance alongside the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Britney Spears, Aerosmith & NSYNC: 2001

Ok, I debated including this one because I know people had high expectations and many people thought it fell a bit flat. And maybe this was one that didn’t live up to the hype, but the fact that it included arguably 3 massive headliners instead of just one, made it memorable.

Michael Jackson: 1993

This one makes the list because it re-defined the halftime show! It was the first time an entertainer headlined the halftime show instead of a marching band. Viewership skyrocketed. The NFL and the King of Pop literally “changed the game” this year.

Beyonce & Bruno Mars: 2016

Ok, I’m a bit biased because I’m a huge Bruno fan……he was already a big name when he headlined in 2014, but by 2016, he was massive. But I’m here to talk about Beyonce. And her “Formation” dancers. From their killer choreography, to their Black Panther themed wardrobe….it was perfection. Add an appearance from her Destiny’s Child bandmates Kelly & Michelle and you can’t go wrong.


Prince: 2007

I know I said these were in no particular order, but for me, this one is hands down in the top spot. I literally re-watch this performance a few times a year, just for fun. I get goosebumps every time. (If you haven’t seen it, please click the link below RIGHT NOW.) Prince performs a scorching version of “Purple Rain” while Mother Nature delivers with an epic downpour. I read somewhere that Prince loved the fact that the dramatic weather worked so well in his favour that he asked the halftime producers if they could “make it rain harder”.


Ok, those are my pics for the most memorable. What am I missing? What would be your Number 1? Email me:

Filed under: big game survival guide