AIDS committee CUPE

CUPE Local 4720-04 members and supporters are rallying outside the AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area this morning (Wednesday).

They’re carrying placards calling on the employer to come back to the table and that they want a fair deal.

Upwards of 25 people were on hand.


Meantime, the AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area says they don’t have any plans on locking out their employees come July 27th.

That’s the day CUPE says was set as a strike or lockout deadline with their employer.

The committee, meantime, says the union’s final offer that was made in early May was not “a financially realistic one“.

No new talks are scheduled.

In a release, the AIDS Committee says they value their employees and are committed to reaching a “fair and financially sustainable negotiated agreement.”

They also say if there is a labour disruption they won’t be able to provide services to the community and those living with or affected by HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis C.


Earlier this week, union officials said the employer hasn’t come to the table in months now.

CUPE Local 4720-04 represents 11 employees at the AIDS Committee, including social workers, outreach workers, medical professionals and others.

The union says they’ve been trying to negotiate their first contract for a year.

Wages and working conditions are among the outstanding issues.

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