The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Campaign is underway.

Val Redner is a captain with the Salvation Army.

He says the Kettle Fund is their main source of income of the year.

He says it helps their programs in a number of ways by supporting their many programs including school lunches, their food bank and their gospel fellowship campaign.

Redner says they’re looking to raise $130,000 this year and last year they raised $120,000.

The campaign will run until Christmas Eve throughout the community wherever Salvation Army Kettles are located.

Redner says there is also a letter campaign asking for donations and the Salvation Army Church on 134 McIntyre St. East is also accepting donations.

The Salvation Army’s Director of Program Services John Dobbs says they see 250 people a month at their food bank,they put together 650 hampers together at Christmas and provide hot lunches for about 75 people a month as well.


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