Nick-Paul-OHL-final-Photo by Terry Wilson / OHL Images.(Photo by Terry Wilson / OHL Images)  The North Bay Battalion have many reasons to celebrate.

Nick Paul (pictured left) has been named the OHL humanitarian of the year.

Paul is being honored with the Dan Snyder Memorial Trophy for his Points For Paul initiative.

He raised funds for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. Paul notched plenty of points and funds from each one went to the awareness campaign and the total reached $7,000.

He lost a close friend to suicide during high school and he wanted to do something to make a difference.   Paul says he was glad he could do something to help raise awareness on an important issue.

Nick-Paul-OHL-final-Photo by Terry Wilson / OHL Images.(Photo by Terry Wilson / OHL Images)  The North Bay Battalion have many reasons to celebrate.

Nick Paul (pictured left) has been named the OHL humanitarian of the year.

Paul is being honored with the Dan Snyder Memorial Trophy for his Points For Paul initiative.

He raised funds for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. Paul notched plenty of points and funds from each one went to the awareness campaign and the total reached $7,000.

He lost a close friend to suicide during high school and he wanted to do something to make a difference.   Paul says he was glad he could do something to help raise awareness on an important issue.

He says he will continue to raise the issue wherever his hockey career takes him.


Meantime,  Former Battalion forward Ryan Kujawinski (pictured below) recently signed an  entry level contract with the New Jersey Devils and Battalion Head Coach Stan Butler acknowledged Ryan’s accomplishments and noted how hard he worked for the contract.

“Once he got here, just watching his work ethic up in the weight room and around the rink, he was a true professional on and off the ice,” stated Butler.

Meantime, the CHL import draft approaching, Butler said they’ll be looking to acquire a 19 year old who can step in and make an immediate impact, and also they want to draft a young player as well, who they can develop and have stick around for a few seasons.

Battalion forward Ryan Kujawinski (Photo by Greg Kolz)
Battalion forward Ryan Kujawinski (Photo by Greg Kolz)