MP Jay Miners confSeveral local companies will be taking part in a mining showcase conference this week.

It actually started on Sunday and continues until Wednesday in Toronto.

The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s International Convention is an opportunity for mining companies to show what they have and to get together with government and industry leaders.

Richard DeRuiter is the vice president of Nordic Minesteel Technologies in North Bay. He says it’s a really good show for any one in the mining industry.

He says you learn a lot and make great contacts.

Marty Warkentin is the owner of Northern Survey Supply based out of Mattawa. He says this event usually gets great attendance and “industry specific” meaning the majority of the businesses in attendance are mining related.

55 mining companies are expected at the event.

As for the mining business Deruiter says it’s been a tough 18 months, but mining is cyclical and if the demand for products outstrips supply as is currently the case companies have to deal with that.