The oldest living person in Canada is here in North Bay.

Her name is Dolly Gibb and she turns 112 on Wednesday, April 26th.

Recently, the Gerentology Research Group validated Dolly as the oldest living person in the country and 42nd oldest in the world.

Dolly was born in Winnipeg in 1905 as Ellen Box.

She got married in 1928 to Dave Gibb and he died in 1968.

Dolly moved from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay in 1941 and then North Bay in 2005.

She has 9 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren and 10 great great grandchildren.

Her family says she has received congratulatory messages from the Prime Minister, the Governor General, the Premier and the Lieutenant Governor.

Mayor Al McDonald also offered best wishes from the city.

Dolly’s family says she attributes her longevity to genetics, eating in moderation, walking a lot and enjoying lots of full-fat cream and butter.

They say she has never smoked and didn’t drink until her 70’s, pointing out she has a daily beer and a little wine with dinner.



dolly with family

Filed under: dolly-gibb, north-bay, oldest