This is Nipissing University’s 25th anniversary this year and they’re holding several events including NU2042.

It’s a look at what the university might be doing in a quarter century.

The first event was held last week and included talks on engineering new brains, stem cell therapy and the future of sex hormones.

Dr. Andrew Weeks had a talk entitled nice to meet you, can I see your connectome.

He says that means the total of all the brain connections that all of us have and get a better understanding on how the different parts of the brain talk to each other.

Right now he says we have overall brain scans but not specific information on how the various parts talk to each other and that is what they’ll be looking at in the future.

Dr.  Weeks says the brain is incredibly complex but we’re learning more every year.

Dr Weeks says he now is working on brain changes relating to THC exposure and looks at how brains of adolescent animals can model teens who use cannabis.

Future events will be held throughout the fall.

Filed under: 25-years, nipissing-university