Higher than normal water levels are expected throughout the North Bay-Mattawa region and that has led to a water safety statement from the Conservation Authority.

Officials say it all started with the snow melt trend early this week, combined with the rainfall and continuing above-zero daytime temperatures.

They say we can expected the snow melt and runoff to continue with warm weather in the forecast over the next five days.

Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery at this time and when combined with cold open water, pose a serious hazard.

Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from watercourses and off water bodies that have thinning, unsafe ice.

Staff at the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority will continue to monitor weather and watershed conditions and provide updates if conditions change.

This message will be in effect until (or updated before) Monday April 30, 4:00pm.


(Photo submitted)

Filed under: north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority